Happy first day of Spring everyone! And here in Germany, Spring really has sprung. I'm so excited to get back into my garden. This year I'm going to add even more space for vegetables. But as you know to get those vegetables growing, I need some bees. So in honor of the first day of Spring, I have gathered some favorite plants that the bees absolutely love.
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1. Asters: The Aster family has more than 100 different species. The aster is one of the most common wildflowers ranging in color from white and pink to light and dark purple. Simply beautiful and the bees love it!
2. Sunflowers: Sunflowers provide great bee food.
3. Spider Flower: This annual is easy to start from seed and grows more than 4 feet tall with airy flowers that are 6 to 8 inches across.
4. Lavender: A bee's best friend. Don't cut your lavender too early. The bees will thank you.
5. Mint: Available in a variety of colors, sizes, fragrances, and appearances, but when it produces a flower, bees are there.
6. Hyssop: Anise hyssop has a licorice fragrance when you bruise its leaves. It produces tall spikes of purple flowers in midsummer.
7. Thyme: Blooms from midsummer on. Bees will cover them most of the day gathering nectar, which is aromatic and produces nice tasting honey.
8. Poppy: B looms freely from early summer to fall, need full sun, and grow 2 to 4 feet tall.
9. Bee Balm: A perennial herb that provides a long-lasting display of pink, red, and crimson flowers in midsummer.
Are you going to plan a bee-friendly garden this year?