Urge the USA to Save Bees
Native pollinators like bees play an essential role in the environment and are an indispensable part of our agricultural system. Many foods that we eat depend on crops pollinated by honeybees and 90% of all flowering plants require pollinators to reproduce. But in recent years, bees and other pollinators have been disappearing at alarming rates, causing widespread concern that these important species could be wiped out altogether. A widely used class of insecticides called neonicotinoids affects pollinators including honeybees. Since neonicotinoids first became widely used in the mid-2000s, roughly one-third of America's honeybee colonies have collapsed each year. Allowing even...
apidae candles go to a Wedding
I'm so happy to share this very special wedding with you. It was featured in the Fall/Winter issue of Martha Stewart Weddings. My beautiful sister is the bride and I was honored to be one of her matrons of honor. apidae candles got to be a part of this special day as well by supplying the candles that lit the long tables in the evening. And each guest took a home one of my little 80ml Weck candles as a gift from the bride and groom. And for my USA readers, apidae candles are available in the USA via Etsy. Images by Harrison Studio.
EU allows Supercorn
Did you all hear about Europe's decision last week to allow the genetically modified corn called TC1507 to be allowed in Europe? The European Food Safety Authority has labeled the corn as safe. But safe for who? This specific corn variety is to be used for animal fodder and for biogas production plants. Germany abstained from the vote on February 11th due to a strong split in opinion of the German states. Since Germany's vote could not be counted, they ironically ensured that the European Union would allow the corn. The corn 1507 produces its own insecticide to protect the...